Kim says North Korea’s efforts will focus on bringing the US “to its knees”

North Korean leader Kim Jong UnKim Jong UnThe Iranian – and domestic – threat to Trump America’s political career is over North Korea’s Kim admits flaws in the speech to the ruling party MORE he said the nation’s activities should focus on bringing its “archenemy”, the United States, “to its knees”.

The country’s state media (KCNA) reported on Saturday that Kim made the comments while speaking at the 8th Congress of the Korean Workers’ Party, according to NBC News. The leader would have spoken for nine hours.

“Our foreign political activities must focus on our archenemy and the fundamental obstacle to our revolutionary development, the United States,” said Kim, according to NBC. “The effort will focus on dominating them and bringing them to their knees,” he added.

Kim also threatened to expand the country’s nuclear arsenal.

Kim noted that, regardless of who is in the White House, “the true nature of the United States and its fundamental policies towards North Korea never change.”

Kim listed several weapons systems in development, the Associated Press, quoting KNCA, like missiles of various warheads, nuclear missiles launched underwater and long-range missiles powered by solid fuel. However, it is not clear how extensive North Korea’s weapon systems are.

Comments come as president-elect Joe BidenJudge Joe BidenUS blocks the Trump administration’s restrictions on asylum eligibility McConnell discloses procedures for a second impeachment trial in the Trump Senate top Trump official ending and reissues a resignation letter to say the exit is in protest MORE will be sworn in on January 20th. Biden promised to take a firm stand against Kim.

During the presidential debate in October, Biden exploded President TrumpDonald TrumpMcConnell discloses procedures for Trump’s second impeachment trial Trump in the Senate suggests building his own platform after Twitter ban Poll: 18 percent of Republicans support Capitol riots MORE for calling a “bad guy” like Kim a “good friend”. Biden He said at the time that he would meet Kim if “he agreed that he would be reducing his nuclear capacity”.

In the past, Trump praised his friendship with the dictator, and the two held several meetings. However, the relationship between Trump and the North Korean leader has recently cooled down.
