Kim Jong Un finally offers his response to the election of the United States with the vote to make more nuclear weapons

North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un has just unleashed a barrage of threats at the United States, greeting President Joe Biden with what is likely to be his biggest foreign policy dilemma, beginning shortly after his inauguration on January 20.

It was not simply that Kim engaged in familiar rhetorical flourishes, calling the United States the “main enemy” of the North. He also made it clear that his three meetings with outgoing President Donald Trump have largely failed to end his nuclear program – the club he maintains in the United States, South Korea and Japan.

Kim avoided any mention of Biden, who called him a “thug” and “dictator” in his 2020 campaign debate with Trump. He also did not mention Trump, who said he and Kim “fell in love” during their first summit in Singapore in June 2018, when they signed a brief statement proclaiming their desire for a “nuclear weapon-free” Korean peninsula.

All of these encounters were overlooked in his report to his Workers Party’s ongoing congress, in which he promised to produce “nuclear weapons” that were “smaller, lighter and tactical” on the way to “producing a super-large nuclear warhead. “
