Kevin Spacey comes out of his hole to deliver another video message on Christmas Eve

As it has become a tradition in the last holiday seasons, today actor Kevin Spacey emerged from any hole in which he was hidden and delivered a message on Christmas Eve.

To his credit (?), Spacey’s latest video message is much less deaf than his previous pre-recorded video, where he compared people who lost their jobs due to the pandemic to their own fall after multiple allegations of sexual assault. This time, Spacey quickly abandons Frank Underwood’s trick and speaks to those individuals whose mental health has been adversely affected by the pandemic.

“Listen, a lot of people came to me last year and shared their own struggles. And my ability to be there for them was really only possible because of my own difficulties, ”says Spacey.

“Although it was a privilege to offer support, I must say, frankly, that it is also beyond my abilities and is bigger than me,” he continues. “Because, in a painful way, many have said that things got so bad for them that they thought about taking their own life. And that’s enough for me to want a totally different approach this year, to acknowledge your pain. “

“For anyone who is struggling – or contemplating this idea – please don’t take this step. If you are in a place you can no longer stand. If you are suffering, you need help. If you feel guilty or ashamed. If you are struggling with your identity. If your back is against the wall. Or if you feel that there is no way for you, whatever your situation, I promise you, there is a way. “

Spacey concludes his message by saying: “I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, a great 2021, and to say to everyone who may be suffering: It’s getting better. It gets better. ”The video ends with a phone number for the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Hotline.

While Spacey’s message is important and apparently serious, it does not absolve him of the actions that legitimately led him into exile from Hollywood. At least 16 men filed allegations of sexual misconduct against Spacey, accusing him of unwanted harassment, groping, assault and pedophilia. So far, he has managed to avoid a criminal case – not one, but two of his accusers have died in recent years – but in September, actor Anthony Rapp announced a civil case against Spacey.
