Kevin Durant from Brooklyn Nets for more images of hamstring injuries

NEW YORK – Kevin Durant, who remains away from the Brooklyn Nets due to a tendon strain, is due to undergo further imaging of the injury next week. Coach Steve Nash said the hope is that these tests will dictate a clearer return to the game schedule for Durant.

Nash made it clear that even if the scan shows progress, Durant will not return to the action of the game immediately.

“He hasn’t played in a month,” Nash said on Wednesday. “So, no matter what the sweep says, there will still be an appropriate ramp up time to make sure we put you in a position to end the strong season.”

Nash said Durant is currently able to do half-court work and shooting exercises. He is not yet playing five against five in practice or “full court, high speed race”. Durant stayed in Brooklyn to work with his physiotherapist while the team went to Houston for their last game before the All-Star break.

Thursday will be the tenth consecutive game that Durant lost. Nash said that although he cannot rule it out completely, the team’s medical team does not believe that Durant’s persistent left thigh tendon injury was affected by the rupture of the right Achilles tendon he suffered in June 2019, which did so. miss an entire season.

“We don’t feel that these two have any relationship,” said Nash. “He is doing very well now and we all feel very positive about the direction he is taking. But we need to be very cautious because he is a very important player for us.”

Durant last played for Brooklyn on February 13 against his former team, the Golden State Warriors. Since then, the Nets list has changed. The Nets added the NBA All Star Blake Griffin six times, who will not play against the Celtics on Thursday. He is listed as out for maintenance of a left knee injury.

“I’m not hurt,” said Griffin on Wednesday night. “I haven’t played in three weeks, so I think it’s smart to kind of cheer up.”

Griffin said he plans to sit down with the Nets training team later in the week and get it right when he will make his Brooklyn debut. Nash said he sees Griffin fitting in with the Nets as a small ball center that can space the floor by making three.

Griffin, speaking to reporters for the first time since joining Nets, said Durant was the biggest recruiter of players to take him to Brooklyn. Griffin said, ultimately, that he chose to sign with Brooklyn because he felt it could make an impact like a big one, which could also facilitate plays.

“Whenever you have that kind of player, you need guys around you to relieve the pressure,” said Griffin of Durant, Kyrie Irving and James Harden. “And so, for me, it’s about playing meaningful basketball, playing in the playoffs and fighting for a championship.”
