Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle quarantine exercise routine

If fitness is a priority for you in 2021, you are in excellent company. For the Duchess of Cambridge and the Duchess of Sussex, a solid exercise regime has not only been the cornerstone of their lives since they married the Royal Family, but a lifelong pursuit. And the good news? Their routines are relatively easy to emulate.

While exercise and fitness are important to Kate and Meghan, working out is important to them for two different reasons, says Roberta Fiorito, co-host of the Royally Obsessed podcast. In an exclusive interview with BAZAAR.com, Fiorito says the competition motivates Kate, while Meghan is more interested in well-being and the connection between the body and the mind.

Kate: It’s all about competition

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Naturally athletic, Kate grew up playing sports as a child and often gets involved in physical activities in real engagements (competing against her husband, Prince William).

“We know that Kate is so competitive and so focused on the outdoors,” says Fiorito. “She talked about how much she loves the outdoors, and whenever there is a sporting event that she and William can participate in, they are super competitive.”

Fiorito says one of Kate’s favorite activities – especially during confinement – is running on the grounds of Anmer Hall, her country house in Norfolk, England. “This is something she is probably maintaining, even in cold weather, with all the time they spend at her home in Norfolk,” she says.

Kate also takes advantage of the swimming pool and tennis courts at Anmer Hall during the residency, according to the Daily Mail.

She works out every day and she also likes boards

Following the trend of practicing sports-oriented exercises, the Duchess is also a fan of skiing, cycling and rowing, as was evident when she participated in the inaugural regatta of the King’s Cup with William in August 2019. At home, Fiorito reports that Kate has a built-in rowing machine to maintain her skill set, even when she can’t get in the water. “It comes naturally to her because she practices,” adds Fiorito. “She trains every day and she also likes boards, which makes sense because her core is in shape”.

Fiorito says fitness is not about physical appearance for Kate, but about promoting a healthy lifestyle for children. Prince George, 7, Princess Charlotte, 5, and Prince Louis, 2. “For her, a lot of this is a good example for George, Charlotte and Louis, saying ‘See how important exercise is – I do it every day’”, she says. “Children acquire habits by being led by example, and Kate shows them what a healthy lifestyle is like.”

Try Kate’s training for yourself

Exercising like Kate can be as easy as walking or running outdoors, wherever the block finds you. If you don’t want to exercise alone, get a partner and participate in a voracious tennis match. And if it’s too cold to be outdoors, try using a medicine ball or board in the comfort of your home and challenge yourself: According to The Daily Mail, Kate can hold a board for more than 45 seconds and does at least 10 repetitions.

Meghan: It’s all about well-being

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Geneviève Charbonneau

For the Duchess of Sussex, working out is less about competition and more about focusing and finding balance. As such, many of Meghan’s workouts are individual efforts – perfect for the socially distant world we currently live in.

“Meghan is obsessed with yoga and is really interested in wellness and meditation on the exercise side,” says Fiorito. “While Kate is more rigorous in her training, Meghan prefers more calming and meditative practices.”

Pilates is also one of Meghan’s favorites – she calls it “without a doubt, the best thing you can do for your body” – as well as taking your dogs for a walk and run.

“As she got older, running became difficult for her knees, so she doesn’t run as much as she used to,” reports Fiorito. “But in 2015 she said she was planning to run a marathon, so she is probably still running. She once said that ‘Running has always been my form of meditation in motion, which I appreciate because it allows me to get out of my own head.’ She finds it meditative and restorative and wrote about it in The Tig [her former lifestyle blog]. “

But most of all, Meghan’s favorite form of exercise is yoga. Her mother, Doria, was a yoga instructor, and Meghan has been practicing since she was seven.

She will opt for small 15-minute increments throughout the day – anything she can insert.

“Yoga is your beach”, confirms Fiorito. “She definitely still keeps it going, even when busy. She will opt for small 15-minute increments throughout the day – anything she can squeeze out. With little Archie running around the house, I’m sure there’s not much time left, so whenever she can practice Pilates or yoga for as little time as she can, at the end of the day she did a full workout. “

While Meghan, her husband, Prince Harry, and their 20-month-old son, Archie, are locked in their home in Montecito, California, Fiorito says he has many amenities to stay in shape. This includes a swimming pool, an indoor gym, a wet and dry sauna at home and an outdoor playground for Archie.

“Their home is really very conducive to block exercises, and I’m sure she keeps training at home,” she says. “Who knows? If we go back to training in the studio, we can see Meghan venturing out in Santa Barbara and doing yoga exercises.”

In her former acting career, Meghan trained with Craig McNamee from Toronto while filming the Canadian city Suits, according to Women’s Health. The pair would embark on full-body workouts for 45 minutes, three to four days a week.

“Meghan Markle’s fitness is definitely a priority; she’s very focused on her health, ”said McNamee Women’s Health. “When she arrives at the gym, there is no real complaint. She starts working immediately and really likes it. “

And although she – like many of us – is not always motivated to train, she never regrets after finishing. “My health, my state of mind, the feeling you get after a workout – all these things make me step on my mat or go to the gym,” she told Women’s Health. “Sometimes the idea of ​​working out seems like absolutely horrible, but I always remember how good it will be after that. Almost euphoric. ”

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Try Meghan’s training for yourself

For a Meghan-inspired workout, Fiorito recommends using an online streaming service like Obé, which includes a full workout – including yoga and Pilates – in a 28-minute session. (Fiorito herself uses the service.) Former coach McNamee said Women’s Health that Meghan enjoys a lot of variety in his workouts, so he divided his sessions into four parts: five minutes of cardio (like the treadmill), five minutes of stretching, 30 minutes of circuit training and five minutes of stretching for relaxation.

“For Meghan, everything revolves around the connection between the body and the mind”, adds Fiorito. “Calm the mind and strengthen and lengthen the body – the link between them is what Meghan likes.”

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