Karl Rove in Biden’s inaugural speech: ‘Sincere call for unity’

The week

Fox News contributors choke on the importance of Kamala Harris being the first black vice president

Liberal Fox News contributor Richard Fowler gasped during an appearance on the network as he marveled at the various broken glass ceilings by Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday. “A part. [of the inauguration] that really touched me was, we’ve been a country for 243 years, and in all those 243 years, we’ve had women, but we’ve never had a woman in a national position, ”said Fowler, his voice cracking as he continued.“ So, to see Kamala Harris put her hand on the Bible today – she and I are also Jamaican descendants, and I only think of my grandmother and mother and so many other women who have seen this, and then many girls who can finally believe they can too be presidents, because of what we did as a country in November. “> Fox News contributor Richard Fowler is thrilled to talk about Kamala Harris as the first female vice president, and how it makes him think of his grandmother and mother, who like Harris are of Jamaican descent pic.twitter.com / Wdlo8Ca3uh >> – Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 20, 2021Fowler was not the only contributor to Fox News on Wednesday to be audibly moved by the importance of the Harris oath. Political analyst Juan Williams also in Optionally explained: ” It’s visceral, and I’m going to tell you why. I have granddaughters, I am the son of a black mother – you think about American history, you think about the status of black women in this country for most of our history. And the idea that a black woman would assume such power right now as a national leader – truly inspiring. ”> Juan Williams of Fox News chokes on Kamala Harris: >>“ You think about the situation of black women in this country for most of our history. And the idea that a black woman would take on so much power at this time as a national leader, truly inspiring. “Pic.twitter.com/K13K0Q1vVX >> – Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) January 20, 2021More stories from theweek.com A A lonely man knelt at Beau Biden’s grave while President Biden delivered his inaugural speech Bernie Sanders steals possession in her moody, chic outfit. Cheap ‘generic’ drug reduces COVID-19 risk of death by 75 percent, tests suggest
