Kamiya jokes that we should all ‘forget Bayonetta 3’ for now and ‘redefine’

Platinum is busy

Earlier this year, rockstar Platinum producer Hideki Kamiya explained that they would probably have something to show for Bayonetta 3 sometime this year. So, what better time to check this than (check your watch) two weeks later?

Speaking to VGC, Kamiya explains that it is still too early in the year for updates: “It is not really our position to say, but … it is January. We need to have something released, right? I think it is safe to wait for something to come out. the year is still missing, that’s what I’m saying. “

Bitingly, the VGC asks about providing something “more substantial than another CGI logo”. At that point, Kamiya laughs and replies, “I understand that you are driving fans crazy! In light of that, my suggestion would be that maybe we should all restart and forget Bayonetta 3. So, when something finally happens, it will be a good surprise, right? “

Truth! But, as Square Enix has learned many times before, showing something too early can have repercussions. The problem is that Bayonetta 3 it is so strongly tied to Nintendo’s wagon, which creates all sorts of problems with expectations. Every time a possible Nintendo Direct “leak” (most of which are false or guesses) happens, Bayonetta 3 it is almost always about it or speculates about it.

This isn’t necessarily Platinum’s fault (especially if it was Nintendo’s decision to show it early to boost the Switch’s hype), but that energy is in the universe now. You can’t put it back in the bottle!

Interview: Platinum on PS5 [VGC]

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