Kamala Harris to be sworn in as vice president by Supreme Court judge Sotomayor

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will be sworn in by Supreme Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor, according to an officer on President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team – making Wednesday’s inauguration much more historic.

Harris will be the first woman, the first black American and the first South Asian vice president. Sotomayor is the first judge of the Latin Supreme Court.

Both women are also former prosecutors.

The news that Harris will take an oath on January 20 was first released by ABC News.

Biden – who was sworn in by Sotomayor for his second term as vice president – chose the theme “United America” ​​for the inauguration and will participate in various activities alongside former presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

“In a time of unprecedented crisis and deep divisions, America United reflects the beginning of a new national journey that restores America’s soul, unites the country and creates a path to a brighter future,” said Biden’s inaugural committee. in a statement this week.

After the swearing-in ceremony, Biden and Harris, together with their spouses, will hold a Socially Distant Review Pass, a military ritual where the newly appointed president reviews military readiness.

They will then place a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington.

It was announced on Thursday that Lady Gaga will perform the national anthem at the ceremony and Jennifer Lopez will perform on the West Front of the US Capitol.

Other performances on Wednesday will include Justin Timberlake, Jon Bon Jovi, Demi Lovato, Bruce Springsteen and Ant Clemons. Actor Tom Hanks will present a 90-minute prime time TV special.

The inauguration is scheduled to take place exactly two weeks after a violent mob of supporters of President Donald Trump invaded the Capitol on January 6. Five people died, including a Capitol police officer.

Federal authorities have made dozens of arrests related to the attack.

Trump, who encouraged the crowd, will not attend the opening, but Vice President Mike Pence must attend.

Planning continued this weekend for a possible Trump farewell ceremony at Andrews Joint Base on Wednesday full of pomp and circumstance, as Trump tries to leave office looking like a statesman instead of a defeated president, twice impeachment, with single mandate.

Discussions include recreating the traditional pomp of a formal visit from a head of state, including a color guard, military band, red carpet and even a 21-shot salute, according to a person involved in the planning.

Plans are still tentative and may change until Wednesday. What role the military will play in the festivities remains unclear. But Trump has made it clear to his aides that he wants a bachelor party full of celebration. There were also discussions about inviting Trump supporters to attend the ceremony.
