Kamala Harris receives the first dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris received her first dose of the Modern coronavirus vaccine in Washington on Tuesday morning.

Why it matters: Although the FDA considered the vaccine safe and effective, Harris, 56, wanted to do the injection live on television as a way to increase public confidence in the vaccine.

  • Her husband, Doug Emhoff, also received the vaccine on Tuesday.

The backdrop: President-elect Joe Biden was vaccinated live on TV on December 21. His wife, Dr. Jill Biden, also received her first dose that day. Both will receive their second dose before the opening day, on January 20.

  • President-elect and vice-president-elect join a growing list of elected officials who received the vaccine this month, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell.
  • Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen Pence were the first to receive the vaccine on December 18.
  • President Trump has not yet received his vaccine as he was treated with an experimental antibody cocktail during his hospitalization at COVID-19 in October.

What they are saying: “That was easy! Thanks. I barely felt it. I barely felt it,” said Harris after receiving the injection.

  • “I’m looking forward to getting the second vaccine. Literally, it’s about saving lives. I trust the scientists, and it’s the scientists who created and approved the vaccine,” she continued.
  • “So I ask everyone to get vaccinated when it is their turn. It is about saving your life, the lives of your family members and the life of your community.”

The big picture: Harris, the first black woman to be a VP, received her coronavirus vaccine at a time when the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on the black community was revealed.

  • Black Americans are more at risk of contracting and dying from the virus.
  • And the history of abuse of blacks with vaccines in the United States has contributed to the lack of confidence in vaccination against coronavirus among some members of the black community.
  • Asked how to dispel fears that the black community may have about the vaccine, Harris emphasized the need for the vaccine to be administered by medical professionals who know the communities they serve.
