Justin Thomas uses homophobic slander after missing the putt

Justin Thomas would like to have a mulligan.

The PGA Tour star called himself a homophobic slander on Saturday during the third round of the Sentry Tournament of Champions in Kapalua, Hawaii.

Thomas delivered the injury on the fourth hole after losing a 4-foot shot to the pair, and was caught by a Golf Channel microphone.

Thomas, 27, who won the PGA Championship and 13 PGA Tour events, apologized when he found out that his slander was shown on TV after his round.

“There is simply no excuse. I’m an adult, I’m an adult man, ”Thomas told the Golf Channel after his round. “There is absolutely no reason for me to say something like that. It’s terrible. I am extremely ashamed. I am not who I am. It’s not the kind of person I am. But yeah … unfortunately, I did it and I have to confess it and I’m really sorry.

Thomas vowed to learn from this incident.

Warning: video contains graphic language

“As I said, it is excusable. I’m speechless. … It’s bad, ”said Thomas. “There is no other way of saying it. I need to do better. I need to be better. It is definitely a learning experience. I deeply apologize to anyone I offended and I will improve because of that. “

Thomas has 17 strokes and is tied for fifth, four strokes behind third-round co-leaders Ryan Palmer and Harris English.
