Justice League by Zack Snyder is a 4-hour movie, not a 4-hour miniseries

In August, during DC’s FanDome virtual convention, Zack Snyder revealed that his new cut from HBO Max Justice League—Aka “the Snyder cut”, also known as Zack Snyder’s Justice League– it would actually be a four-hour miniseries consisting of four one-hour installments and not a single film. This announcement was made along with the launch of a new trailer, with that trailer being withdrawn (possibly for reasons of musical rights) and subsequently re-released with very few changes. Now, Snyder is also going back in the history of the “four-hour miniseries”, which means that the entire DC FanDome presentation was practically a waste of time. Hooray!

The new information came during an informal question and answer session on Snyder’s Vero page (via Coming soon), during which he implied that Zack Snyder’s Justice League it will be just a four-hour movie and not a miniseries. He also said that there will be no post-credit stingers, which means that any appearances by Lex Luthor and Deathstroke (who only appeared in the theatrical cut stinger) will now be happening in the film itself – assuming they appear, of course, but at this point, it would be strange if someone from Snyder’s version of the DC universe didn’t stop.

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Kevin Costner will not say if he is Justice Leagueis Snyder Cut, which probably means that he is

Zack Snyder’s Justice League still doesn’t have an adequate release date beyond March of this year, so we’ll still hear about that for a few months. Maybe in February it will be a miniseries again? And maybe Snyder needs another $ 100 million to completely re-shoot and finally include Ga’Hoole’s owls in the Justice League, as he always intended? And then, after all that work, maybe you will finally come out and be really good? Stranger things happened … probably.
