Jonathan Van Ness posts vaccination selfie, says being HIV positive makes him eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine

The wrap

Britney Spears Doc Sparks Celebrity review: ‘The world has finally woken up’

A new documentary about Britney Spears sparked interest in how the media juggernaut treated her as she struggled at the height of her fame, as well as in the pop star’s legal struggle for legal protection. “Framing Britney Spears,” which airs on Hulu, catapulted the star’s name and fan base back into the headlines, even as she remains under the control of her father, Jamie, in a tutelage dating back to 13 years. But a sharp focus was also trained on how Spears was treated by everyone, from famous interviewers to tabloid editors and boyfriends, while she was ridiculed for her public breakdowns and ridiculed regardless of her mental health. “The rules of engagement were considered to be considerably different at that point,” Robert Thompson, a professor at Syracuse University specializing in television, radio, cinema and pop culture, told TheWrap. He compared it to other figures like Monica Lewinsky, who were publicly embarrassed by the tabloids. “The idea that these women who were used and manipulated by many other people in power were really taken as an open season for jokes and the fact that they were young and attractive by conventional standards … Read the original story Britney Spears Doc Sparks Review celebrity: ‘The world finally woke up’ on TheWrap
