Jon Ossoff hijacks Fox News airtime to take down Perdue and Loeffler

Georgia’s Democratic Senate candidate Jon Ossoff on Wednesday morning turned the tide on Fox News, using the opportunity for an impromptu live interview to criticize his Republican opponent, Senator David Perdue (R-GA), and the senator Kelly Loeffler (R-GA), who is running in another Senate runoff race.

During a campaign stop in Marietta, Georgia, Ossoff was approached by Fox News reporter Peter Doocy, who informed the Democrat that they were live on the air and whether he would be willing to answer any questions.

Doocy first asked the 33-year-old candidate to talk about the “relevant experience” he had when it came to keeping his promises as a senator, which led Ossoff to briefly present his journalistic career of “fighting injustice, exposing war crimes. and corruption ”Before turning his attention to Perdue and Loeffler.

“At the moment, we have a corruption crisis in American politics, and since we are live on Fox, let me take this opportunity to address the Fox audience directly,” he said. “We have two United States senators in Georgia who have shamelessly used their positions to get rich.”

Loeffler and Perdue are two of the richest members of the Senate and both have undergone intense scrutiny over their vast stock portfolios and personal financial transactions during their positions. Meanwhile, Democrats flooded the state with ads hammering the two Republicans because of investigations into their stock trading activities.

After Ossoff campaigned for Fox News viewers, Doocy then jumped to ask him about Loeffler’s latest attacks on his Democratic opponent Raphael Warnock, bringing charges around a children’s camp that Warnock used to run.

“Any concerns that allegations of wrongdoing against Reverend Warnock could disrupt the Democratic ticket next week?” the Fox News correspondent pressed.

“Absolutely none,” insisted Ossoff. “Reverend Warnock addressed this problem a year ago and here is the result: Kelly Loeffler has been campaigning with a klansman. Kelly Loeffler has been campaigning with a klansman. “

The Senate hope was referring to Loeffler recently posing for a campaign event photo with Chester Doles, a neo-Nazi and former member of the Ku Klux Klan who marched at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017. Loeffler’s campaign, however, she quickly distanced herself from Doles, saying that the senator “had no idea who he was” and would have “kicked him out immediately” if she had known.

“So she is demeaning herself to these cruel personal attacks to divert attention from the fact that she is campaigning with a former member of the Ku Klux Klan,” concluded Ossoff. “We deserve more than that.”
