John Oates and “Saxsquatch” collaborate with butcher “Maneater”

John Oates and, sigh, “Saxsquatch”

John Oates and, sigh, “Saxsquatch”
Print Screen: You Tube

You can make many different arguments about why “Maneater,” launched in 1982, it became almost instantly the biggest hit to givecollaborative career of yl Hall and John Oates. There’s that opening bass beat, of course, punching its way through your head before even the melancholy notes can kick in. There is the abrupt and sensual nature of music (vaguely misogynistic) lyrics, sung by Hall like a haunted man. And, of course, there’s Charles DeChant’s saxophone, sexy and cunning, holding the entire track.

We can now – and we are grateful to Oates for bringing this to our attention – to add “Not being played by a saxophone sasquatch as we try to replicate some kind of half-mouthed EDM beat” to the reasons why “Maneater” works so well . And if you don’t believe us, well, you can go ahead and watch the video below from Monstercat Instinct, in which Oates and “Saxsquatch ”plays a song that – to paraphrase Douglas Adams – sounds almost, but not quite, unlike“ Maneater ”.

As far as we know, Saxsquatch can be a truly excellent saxophonist, for a sasquatch. But when compared to DeChant, we have to say that he is just is not yet ready for the limelight. Meanwhile, Oates serves as an exciting reminder of why he is better known as the guitar player for Hall And Oates, and not, say, the singer. The end result is, at best, harmless – and only then, when you’re not constantly being reminded that you could be listening to “Maneater”.

But even beyond music, we find our minds reeling with questions. “Because?” it comes first, of course, bitter and unanswered. But then, a deeper attack of self-examination / sasquatch begins: “Why did this pair feel the need to promote the video with a Forbes interview, one that contains the immortal lineDo you know that an interview is special when Saxsquatch has Oates and me having a breakdown ‘? “It is the implication that Saxsquatch is, himself, a maneater, and will you gobble up Oates once the recording is finished? ” “Because the Cum Do you have a little cartoon? Daft Punk robots dancing in the video? ”These are the questions that keep us awake at night, draining us, weakening us.

And that’s how Saxsquatch catch you.

[via Rolling Stone]
