Joe Scarborough to the Capitol Police: You opened the fucking door for them

Scarborough, a former Florida congressman, expressed his anger at the speed and ease with which the police lost control of the siege.

“Trump supporters come in and you open the fucking door for them,” shouted Scarborough, addressing the police. “You open the doors for them and let them break into people’s homes.”

The “Morning Joe” co-host criticized the police for images of police officers patting rioters on the back and taking selfies with rebels.

They “politely opening the door to terrorists who scribbled on the door, ‘murdering the media'”, he added.

Four people died during the chaos, according to the Washington Metropolitan Police Department. One woman was shot by a United States Capitol police officer and three other people had medical emergencies.

Trump is to blame, said Scarborough. The crowd that invaded the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday was filled with enraged Trump supporters and conspiracy theorists whom the president fed misinformation about the election.
Scarborough, who was once a friend of Trump, was criticized for favoring Trump as a presidential candidate in 2016. The morning show host became a fervent critic of the president and Republicans. In 2017, he announced that he was leaving the Republican Party. On Thursday, he shared his anger over how the president fueled the violence.

“He is a rebel. There are no questions. He should be arrested today,” said Scarborough, talking about Trump’s actions that led to Wednesday’s violence. “He should be sent to prison today for insurrection against the United States of America.”

Scarborough questioned the lack of action by the Capitol police.

“Even as a member of Congress, I needed to have my identity to enter,” he said. “Why wasn’t the Capitol police better prepared for this? Why wasn’t the city of Washington, DC better prepared for this?”

The presenter of the morning program also pointed out that this level of violence in official buildings of the United States government had not happened since the War of 1812, when the British invaded Washington.
