Jared Leto reportedly redeemed himself with the Justice League Snyder Cut

Will a few minutes of screen time be enough to erase the memories of a performance so polarizing and divisive that it has been largely cut off? Suicide squad, led to a spinoff alongside Hargot Quinn by Margot Robbie being canceled and, essentially, had it eliminated from the continuity of the DCEU in Birds of prey? We’ll have our answer in less than two weeks, when we see Jared Leto’s Joker at Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

Leto is famous for his dedication and immersion, but he probably went a little too far when it came to Prince Clown of Crime. Going to such extremes to get into character is nothing new to the actor, and he has been doing it for years, but in the end, his bizarre and overly exaggerated hybrid of pimp crossed with a Juggalo didn’t exactly resonate with audiences.

Of course, your Joker has already faced an uphill battle to win over fans after they ridiculed Leto’s first image under makeup, with the tattoos and the grid being a particular point of dismay. Justice League at least it promises a less tinted and much more psychotic version of the legendary comic book villain, even if his involvement is minimal.

However, we now hear from our sources – the same ones who told us that the villain would have a new look in the film long before it was confirmed – that those who have already seen Snyder’s cut are extremely impressed by Leto’s contribution, to the extent that that he supposedly managed to redeem himself.

Although there is no guarantee that he will be back after Justice League arrives at HBO Max on the 18th, if fans respond a second time, then it becomes much more likely.
