January 28, 2021 No new COVID-19 deaths reported in Utah

And more than 2 million Utahns have been tested for coronavirus.

(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) Zeanne Timbol prepares to conduct his next COVID-19 test at the Intermountain Salt Lake Clinic on Saturday, January 2, 2021. More than 2 million Utahns have already been tested.

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There were no COVID-19-related deaths reported in Utah on Thursday – until the Department of Health announced later that it was a mistake. The zero-death report was “due to a data transmission error,” the department said on Twitter.

Deaths that should have been reported on Thursday will be added to Friday’s count.

According to UDOH, the last day that there was no record of deaths related to coronavirus was September 15th.

But it was still the third leading cause of death in Utah this week, both cumulatively in the past nine months and last week, behind only heart disease and cancer, according to an analysis by Erin Clouse, a public health expert at the University of Utah.

In fact, the number of one-week deaths from coronavirus surpassed cancer just a week or two ago, and it was ahead of even heart disease until Christmas.

There was about a one-month period from November to December, where COVID-19 was the leading cause of death per day in Utah, the analysis concluded.

Also on Thursday, the state reported that it passed 2 million people tested – about 63% of Utah’s population.

Vaccinations reported the day before / total vaccinations • 16,579 / 267,027.

Cases reported the previous day • 1,761.

Deaths reported the day before • None.

Hospitalizations reported the previous day • 444. That’s eight starting on Wednesday. Of those currently hospitalized, 157 are in intensive care units – four fewer than on Tuesday.

Tests reported the day before • 10,917.

Percentage of positive tests • 16.13%. This is less than the seven-day average of 18.26%.

Totals to date • 342,445 cases; 1,620 deaths; 13,279 hospitalizations; 2,000,023 tests.
