Jack Dorsey’s first tweet can be sold for $ 2.5 million as an NFT, and now the proceeds will go to charity

Jack Dorsey, Twitter co-founder and CEO now plans to convert earnings of the NFT auction of his first tweet for bitcoin and donate them to charities. The highest bid for the tweet is currently $ 2.5 million.

The auction will end on March 21 and he plans to donate bitcoin to Give Directly, a nonprofit organization that allows donors to send money directly to people living in poverty. He will give bitcoin to the Give Directly’s Africa Response fund for relief from COVID-19.

Dorsey put his famous first tweet as an NFT (meaning “non-fungible token”) on Friday night, and bids began to emerge quickly, although Dorsey did not announce when the auction would end or the profits would go to charity. The current highest bid was made on Saturday night.

The winner will receive a “digital tweet certificate,” according to a FAQ on the NFT Valuables auction website, where Dorsey’s tweet is for sale. However, the tweet will remain visible on the Internet for free, as long as Twitter or Dorsey himself does not remove it.
