Jack Black replacing Chris Hemsworth as Thor is scary and hilarious


Chris Hemsworth as Thor in Avengers: Endgame.


Marvel, Disney – take note: Jack Black as Thor is a sight to behold. Black wears a Thor costume slightly different from Chris Hemsworth, with a pair of Adidas JS wings 2.0 sneakers … and nothing more. See your version in one video posted on Twitter:

Black, also famous for being the vocalist of the rock band Tenacious D, sings Led Zeppelin’s Immigrant Song, while he rides on a mini-motorcycle and is drenched by a hose. Immigrant Song performed during the first and last fight scenes in Thor: Ragnarok. Who did better? Let’s just say that you can’t miss seeing one of them.

Thor: Love and Thunder is currently in production, filming in Sydney, Australia. He will see Natalie Portman return, and the Guardians of the Galaxy will have some role. It is scheduled to be released on May 6, 2022.

If you want to see more tributes to Jack Black, he did Iron Man, Spider-Man and Boba-Fett. They are all finished his Twitter. Hopefully it will (or will not) do WandaVision next.
