Jac Schaeffer of WandaVision insists that Mephisto Red Herrings was not intentional

WandaVision, with the episode aptly titled “The Series Finale”, and executive writer / producer Jac Schaeffer (Captain Marvel, Black Widow) spoke in a new interview about how the unusual show came about. Speaking with, Schaeffer discusses the show’s provocations, both intentional and unintentional, and about the challenges that WandaVision presented in writing.

As Schaeffer explains, she feels very much of the scrutiny and the series has received about the direction it was taking in terms of the plot “directly linked to the gap of one year in Marvel content and the fact that everyone is confined at home”. For example, Schaeffer said in another interview that she “naively” did not expect fans to have a big reaction to Pietro. As she said in an interview with Variety, “We didn’t anticipate that the show would go down after an entire year of MCU drought in the middle of a pandemic.”

But Schaeffer told Mashable: “There was never any conscious intention on my part to create any false leads on Mephisto, because I didn’t know who Mephisto was until I started doing press.” Instead, she rejected fan theories by linking points upside down because the show talked about the devil as much as “a real coincidence … [Mephisto] it was never part of our storytelling conversations. We were very clear that the great evil is pain. “

Fans can decide for themselves, but as the title of the final episode makes it clear: There will be plenty of time to continue to theorize because, at least for now, there will be no more WandaVision – which we know. But in the meantime, starting on March 12, fans can take a peek behind the scenes with the newly launched Disney + series, a new series of special documentaries that goes behind the scenes on Marvel Cinematic Universe television and film shows. Mounted begins with a deep dive into WandaVision, one of the MCU’s most unusual offerings full of tributes to sitcoms.

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Tocando agora: Os melhores momentos de Quicksilver de Evan Peters da X-Men e WandaVision
