It’s worth catching Star Wars Battlefront II, while it’s free for PC

The Epic Games Store is distributing the Celebration Edition, packed with cosmetics, from Battlefront II until January 21

It’s worth jumping quickly to claim a free copy of Star Wars Battlefront II right now.

The Epic Games Store is distributing the Celebration edition (usually $ 40) of the game until Thursday, January 21st, so even if you already have the basic edition on Origin, you may want to claim it anyway. You will get several customization items: 25 Hero Appearances, 125 Soldier and Reinforcement Appearances, 100 Hero and Soldier emotes and voice lines and 70 Hero and Soldier victory poses.

Although it is best known for its multiplayer mode – something that some people still like in 2021 – there is also a good story campaign that is worth running once. Perhaps. Luke cuts alien insects at one point.

Battlefront II was considered “complete” in April 2020. If it’s been a while or you’re new to the game, expect the battle-hardened community to remain close to dominate the matches. It is worth mentioning that you can face AI, and this is definitely my favorite low-risk way to acclimate myself.

The next free promotion from the Epic Games Store will be Galactic Civilizations III. Are you coming in peace, bro?

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