‘It’s time to grow’: Biden criticizes anti-mask members of the Republican Party in Congress

Several members of Congress were huddled in secure locations during the Capitol insurgency last week, which left five people dead. At least three Democratic members of the House tested positive for Covid-19 after taking shelter with Republicans who refused to wear masks.

Reps. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) And Brad Schneider (D-Ill.) Revealed their diagnoses this week, and Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman announced her positive test on Monday. Coleman is a 75-year-old cancer survivor.

Mayor, Nancy Pelosi tax fines this week for members who refuse to wear masks in the House floor, with a $ 500 fine for the first offense and $ 2,500 for the second offense.

Biden condemned the anti-mask members while revealing his Covid-19 vaccination plan in Wilmington, Del. During his comments, he reiterated plans to impose masks in public spaces as soon as he took office and begged Americans not to politicize the security measure. .

“I know it has become a partisan issue, but what a stupid and stupid thing to happen. This is a patriotic act,” said Biden of wearing masks.
