It’s official. “Vaccine passports” are required in New York

This happened even earlier than most people expected. We were told earlier this month that the state of New York was working to implement an immunity passport system for people who wish to re-enter the more “normal” aspects of society. The state was already decided and there were people working on the project because the “Passe Excelsior” is already in production and will be necessary for many social activities starting on April 2nd. Major locations in New York City are already using it, but most other “arts, entertainment and events venues” will require the pass shortly thereafter. People who have been vaccinated or had a negative COVID test in the past few days will be able to obtain the pass, which can be printed on paper or displayed via an application on their phone. (New York Post)

The country’s first “vaccine passport” is coming to the Big Apple.

The program, dubbed the “Excelsior Pass,” is an app that will allow New Yorkers to prove their vaccination status, or recent history of a negative COVID-19 test, to gain access to events and business, Governor Cuomo announced in a statement. press release Friday.

“Similar to a mobile airline boarding pass, individuals will be able to print their card or store it on their smartphones using the Excelsior Pass Wallet app,” explains the press release.

If you choose to install the app on your phone, it will display a key code that will be recognized by a scanner at the entrance to the event you want to attend or the company you want to join for shopping or other purposes. Assuming you have a valid code, a green checkmark will be displayed in response. If the system does not think you are in compliance, a red “X” will be displayed and your entry will be denied.

The first thing to note here is that the state of New York has so far vaccinated about half of its eligible citizens. This means that the other half of the state will now be excluded from almost all non-essential activities, unless they can find a place to be tested and “checked” every few days. And if you think this applies only to things like basketball games, try again. The state specifically listed wedding receptions such as events that will require a scanner at the door and an immunity passport in order to enter. As of this morning, CNN is saying that 14.7 percent of adults in the United States are fully vaccinated at this time, so the disparity is much greater if a plan like this comes up at the national level.

Although not part of the initial launch, large retail chains and even supermarkets are studying how this system could be put into practice in their stores. You can’t be stopped from buying food and other essentials, but some stores are considering creating separate entrances for those with and without a passport or having some restricted shopping hours only for those who pass the test.

I looked at the Post’s “explainer” of how the system works and I don’t see any exceptions listed for people with comorbidities or other underlying conditions that might lead their doctors to recommend that they avoid the vaccine. Therefore, if you decide not to be vaccinated or are clinically disqualified to receive it, at least in New York, you will be officially a second-class citizen on April 2. Without the pass, you will be part of a new class of outcasts who are prevented from mixing with the new upper class of people with immunity, or those who acquire a few days of “normality” showing a negative result from the COVID test.

So, when does this end? Based on the information offered by the state, Do not do. There is no mention of an expiry provision in these rules. The government may be seriously considering making this “the new normal”. And it will not be restricted to the state of New York. You can bet that almost all blue states (at the very least) will copy this system quickly. Are we really going to tolerate this? We are constantly scolded for any activity that contains a suggestion of what someone considers racism, sexism or any other “ism” you would like to quote. But discrimination against the unvaccinated is apparently good and elegant. This cannot represent the way society works going forward and our elected officials need to hear about it loud and clear.
