Israeli soldier shoots and paralyzes Palestinian in dispute over power generator

The video of the incident, which took place on Friday near Hebron, in the southern West Bank, appears to show Haroun Abu Aram, 24, along with three other men, trying to hold the generator while Israeli soldiers try to pull it out.

The fight continues until, outside the cameras, a single shot is heard, followed by screams, before the camera moves and reveals Abu Aram lying motionless on the floor.

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The video was widely circulated by Israeli human rights organizations and in the Israeli and Palestinian media.

In a statement, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said the soldiers were involved in a routine operation “to confiscate and evacuate an illegal building in the village of At-Tuwani”. Israeli forces regularly evacuate and demolish Palestinian homes in the Palestinian Territories that are built without permission from Israeli authorities.

The statement said the army was aware of reports that a Palestinian had been injured by fire during the operation and was conducting an investigation.

The Army statement also said the operation was carried out despite the laying of stones by about 150 Palestinians, although this cannot be seen in the two and a half minute video of the incident circulating on social media.

Mohammed Ribe, head of the village’s local committee, told CNN that Abu Aram’s own family home was demolished a month ago and that he was trying to protect his neighbors’ property when the IDF moved to empty the house during the operation Friday.

“Haroun was trying to help his neighbors recover the generator when he was shot in the back of the head,” said Ribe.

A statement from the hospital in Hebron, where Abu Aram is being treated, said he was shot in the neck, damaging his nerves and spine and leaving him paralyzed in all four limbs. The hospital added that breathing is only possible with a ventilator.
