Intact ceremonial chariot found near Pompeii

By Colleen Barry, Associated Press

MILAN (AP) – Authorities at the archaeological site of Pompeii, Italy, announced on Saturday the discovery of an intact ceremonial chariot, one of several important discoveries made in the same area outside the park near Naples after an investigation into an illegal excavation.

The carriage, with its iron elements, bronze decorations and remains of mineralized wood, was found in the ruins of a village north of Pompeii, in addition to the walls of the ancient city, parked in the portico of a stable where the remains of three horses were. previously discovered.

The Archaeological Park of Pompeii called the carriage “an exceptional discovery” and said that “it represents a unique finding – unparalleled in Italy so far – in an excellent state of preservation”.

The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD destroyed Pompeii. The carriage was spared when the walls and roof of the structure it was collapsed in, and also survived looting by modern day antiquities thieves, who dug tunnels there, grazing, but not damaging the four-wheeled cart, according with the park staff.

The carriage was found on the grounds of what is one of the most significant old villages in the area around Vesuvius, with a panoramic view of the Mediterranean Sea. on the outskirts of the ancient Roman city.

Last year, archaeologists found Civita Giulian in the same area, just outside Pompeii, the remains of what is believed to have been a rich man and his slave, trying to escape death.

The first iron element of the carriage emerged on January 7 from the blanket of volcanic material that filled the two-story portico. Archaeologists believe the cart was used for festivities and parades, perhaps also to carry brides to their new homes.

Although carriages for daily living or for transporting agricultural products were previously found in Pompeii, officials said the new discovery is the first ceremonial carriage unearthed in its entirety.

The villa was discovered after police found the tunnels illegal in 2017, officials said. Two people who live in the houses at the top of the site are currently on trial for allegedly digging more than 80 meters of tunnels at the site.
