Instagram created a richer story interface for desktops

Instagram is making your Stories feature more complete on the desktop. In a small interface update today, the company is updating its Stories feature so that it opens up to show a carousel of videos, which shows what’s next and the content that has just been played. In this interface, viewers can click on any story they wish to watch. It’s as if the small circles at the top of users’ feeds get bigger and full screen.

This is a small change, but it completes the desktop feature and makes it more attractive to use, especially since people are at their computers more often while working at home. Most of the time, Instagram has kept Stories unchanged for years. The format is the same as always, with the posts being ephemeral.

Most changes to the Instagram format come in the form of creative tools, such as small business stickers and new sources. For now, Instagram is focusing firmly on Reels, its competitor TikTok, with Stories getting minor updates to keep it updated.
