Indiana Jones Teaser suggests a hero in his Prime and Da-Vinci-Code style mysteries

Yesterday, the gaming world was taken by surprise when Lucasfilm Games announced that a new Indiana Jones game was coming from Wolfenstein: the developer of New Order MachineGames. Very little has been revealed about the game, unless it will tell an original story, but fans quickly took out their magnifying glasses and started examining the game’s debut teaser trailer, and they found some interesting things. You can check out an HD YouTube version of the teaser trailer below.

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Indy’s table is full of all kinds of historic trinkets, but the most telling items are a ticket to Rome, dated 1937, and a map of the Vatican.

1937 launches the new Indiana Jones game right after the events of Raiders of the Lost Ark, so we’re dealing with Indy from the noble age. 1937 is also the year after Mussolini declared an alliance with Hitler’s Germany, so yes, if there was any doubt, Indy will punch Nazis in any search he happens to do. The passage to Rome and the Vatican map indicate that the search may involve some Da-Vinci-style mysteries and perhaps another attempt to collect a religious relic of some kind. In other words, this appears to be a classic Indiana Jones story – with no aliens, Shia LaBeouf or other oddities here.

In related news, Bethesda’s vice president of marketing, Pete Hines, assured fans that Todd Howard assuming a producer role in the new game Indiana Jones will not distract him from his work on Starfield and The Elder Scrolls 6 …

The release date and platforms have not yet been confirmed for the Indiana Jones game. That said, according to internal sources, the game is unlikely to be exclusive to Xbox, despite Microsoft now owning MachineGames.
