In the Oprah interview, Meghan says she was suicidal as a member of royalty

It was her sister-in-law, Kate, she said, who brought her to tears in a conflict over dresses for florists, and not the other way around, as has been widely reported. One of Meghan’s aides said she shouldn’t go out to lunch with friends because she was overexposed, even though she left her residence only twice in four months.

Harry and Meghan also revealed that their second child, due this summer, will be a girl.

Meghan, with her belly clearly visible, spoke casually and with humor about her first encounters with her future in-laws. She described having learned to bow before she was introduced to Queen Elizabeth II and insisted that she knew nothing about what would be expected of her as a working royalty.

“I didn’t do any research on what that would mean,” she said. “I never researched my husband online.”

Harry, who joined Meghan in the second half of the interview, said the couple left due to lack of support or understanding from their family, mainly about the racism he said his wife faced in news coverage.

“Nobody in my family has said anything in those three years,” said Harry.

The prince, who remains the sixth in line to the throne, described his family’s financial cut after he and Meghan announced plans to withdraw from royal duties. He said his relationship with his father, Prince Charles, was particularly tense because “a lot of hurt has happened”.

On both sides of the Atlantic, this was the most eagerly awaited royal interview since Harry’s mother, Princess Diana, told the BBC in 1995 that “there were three of us at this wedding”, referring to her husband, Charles, and his extramarital relationship with Camilla Parker Bowles, whom she later married.
