In praise of Marlo Hampton, RHOA’s secret MVP

Do you know that friend that – in the past, when these things still happened – you always met in the hangar? You may never have spent so much time with them face to face, but just seeing their faces in the crowd signaled to you that the night was bound to be good. We all have someone like that in our lives.

And in the world of Atlanta’s real housewives, that someone is Marlo Hampton.

Never a housewife, always just a friend of, Marlo has been a stable, albeit peripheral, presence in the Georgia-based hit franchise episode for almost a decade. She has been around for more than three-fifths of the cast of the current 13th season, and has seen other members of the main cast come and go. Hell, she did the seemingly unthinkable and outlived the housewife who introduced her. (Pour it into each other and blooping only NeNe Leakes.)

For some reason, that all-important peach continues to avoid it, but it’s not hard to see why the powerful have kept it close in some way since its introduction in season four. That’s because, like that friend we all have, Marlo has a lot of fun. Not only that, she makes a very good TV and could be this season’s secret MVP.
