Improvements to Guilty Gear Strive online lobbies detailed in the new trailer, Story Mode to be a viewing-only experience, with no matches played

A new trailer featuring the upcoming Guilty Gear Strive game modes hit the Internet as Arc System Works continues to excite the community for a new Guilty Gear action chapter.

Arcade, Story, Training, Versus and more are detailed, but we are especially excited to see what improvements have been made to the previously tumultuous online lobbying system.

The developers highlight the various ways in which players can start exploring Strive, depending on their personal preferences. Those who want to start honing their skills and prepare immediately for competitive play can jump to training or tutorial modes, which put users directly in situations they will find themselves in during real matches.

Although there was some confusion during the beta tests of Strive’s online lobby in the middle of last year, it appears that the ArcSys team has been working to level things out and make processes more palatable. Players can wait in Training Mode to be linked to an opponent and will be placed in contact with enemies with the appropriate skill level.

ArcSys is taking an interesting approach to Story Mode, as it appears to be a viewing-only experience. Although traditional fighting game modes of this type almost always pause the narrative for users to play occasional rounds (usually with special stipulations or limitations), it appears that this type of action is restricted to Arcade mode.

In fact, we have a little more information about these modes, thanks to the textual explanations that appeared on the Guilty Gear Strive website about two weeks ago, so be sure to check out these modes for additional details after watching this latest trailer. .

Thanks to Kodiak for sending this.
