I Care a Lot Trailer 2021 with Rosamund Pike: WATCH

When Rosamund Pike starts to narrate, you know she’s not up to anything. There are two types of people in this world ”, she enunciates in the trailer for I care a lot, a new black comedy of suspense. “Predator and prey.” Pike’s Marla Grayson is a ruthless boss who forces her elderly clients to leave their homes, pockets the profits from the sale and calls it “caution”. When she messes with the wrong old man, Jennifer Peterson of Dianne Wiest, her sharp bob and dagger-eyes are not enough to keep her safe, no matter how much she thinks the “fucking lioness” is here. Nobody gets out of balance like Rosamund Pike, and we mean it in the most gentle way possible. O Missing girl The star joins Peter Dinklage, Eiza González, Wiest and a delicious salt and pepper Chris Messina. I care a lot, written and directed by J Blakeson, goes to Netflix on February 19th.
