Hyatt proclaims ‘a highly inclusive environment’ in defense of hosting CPAC

A spokesman for the Hyatt Regency in Orlando, Florida, is defending the hotel’s decision to host the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this weekend, citing the hospitality company’s “highly inclusive environment”.

“We are proud to operate a highly inclusive environment and believe that facilitating meetings is a central element of what we do as a hospitality company,” said the spokesman in a statement to Fox Business.

“We believe in the right of individuals and organizations to express their opinions peacefully, regardless of the degree to which the perspectives of the hosts of meetings and events at our hotels align with ours,” added the spokesman. “Our own values ​​support a culture characterized by empathy, respect and diversity of opinions and experiences, and we strive to bring this to light through what we do and how we engage with those in our care.”

The statement came after online calls to boycott the hotel chain about holding the conservative event. Several unrelated tweets from the hotel chain were “evaluated” over the weekend by users who opposed the conference being held over the chain.

CPAC made headlines last week for an incident in which participants were booed for reminding the public to wear masks.

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