Hundreds of Microsoft team users reporting technical difficulties

Hundreds of Microsoft Team users are reporting technical difficulties on Wednesday with messaging applications in the company’s workplace.

There were about 840 technical problem reports with Microsoft Teams, according Downdetector. Seventy percent of the reported problems were related to the server connection.

Microsoft said Reuters that the problems with its platform affect only the United States and that most reports involved delayed messages.

“We are working to confirm our findings and, at the same time, explore the ideal solution to remedy the impact,” said Microsoft.

It is not clear whether the problem is isolated in specific areas of the United States or whether it is a national problem.

This is not the first time that an online platform used for work has encountered technical problems during the pandemic.

In January, there were widespread Internet outages at Verizon on the east coast that affected thousands of users and caused problems in other online services like Google, YouTube and Slack.

Technical problems with online workspaces are exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic, as many office buildings are still closed and people are forced to work from home and rely on online workspaces.

The Hill contacted Microsoft for comment.
