How White Evangelical Christians Fused With Trump’s Extremism

A group called Jericho March, who led a series of demonstrations for “electoral integrity”, held five days of events in Washington that culminated on Wednesday. Last month, the group, which included speakers such as Metaxas and former Trump national security adviser Michael T. Flynn, marched around the Capitol seven times, shaping their protest in a biblical battle in which the Israelis marched around the city. city ​​of Jericho until its walls collapsed, allowing its armies to take over the city.

Earlier this week, when Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the Proud Boys, was arrested in Washington on suspicion of burning a Black Lives Matter banner plucked from a historic Black church, his supporters raised more than $ 100,000 for his legal defense in a Christian fund. . lifting platform called GiveSendGo.

“Many people disagree with GiveSendGo allowing campaigns for people or causes that they personally disagree with, just as people disagree with the way Jesus showed love to ‘society’s sinners,'” said platform co-founder Jacob Wells. “We chose not to be on the side at all and that makes both sides hate us.”

Since the riot, many supporters of the cause have said they are furious about the removal of Trump and others from social media platforms like Twitter, and the deploration of conservative social media site Parler. They saw this as part of a broader conspiracy to silence Christianity. And they are looking forward to making sure their voices are heard.

Adam Phillips, 44, a drywall contractor from Robbinsville, NC, had a job and was unable to come to Washington on Wednesday – “The Lord just didn’t think it was appropriate,” he said – but he has attended two demonstrations since November, the march Stop the Robbery and the March of the Milhão MAGA.

“It has been obvious for some time that Christians are under repression, they are under everyone’s scrutiny,” he said. “All the things on which the country was founded are under attack, they are trying to take the name of God out of everything, especially the name of Jesus.”

Elizabeth Dias reported from Washington and Ruth Graham from New Hampshire.
