How to resume exercise after covid

Getting back to your exercise routine after having Covid is often difficult and frustrating. But scientists are beginning to develop some guidelines.

The best approach, they say, is smooth and gradual – and guided by your doctor. Some people have post-Covid complications that can increase their risk of exercise. And many patients with Covid continue to show symptoms for weeks or even months after the initial diagnosis, making even light activities strenuous.

“People can feel good and still have a relapse that can be triggered by effort,” says David Salman, general practitioner and clinical researcher in musculoskeletal and sports medicine at Imperial College London. But physical activity is obviously essential to your overall health, so it’s worth working to find the right balance.

Dr. Salman co-authored an article published in the British Medical Journal in January to help doctors advise patients about resuming physical activity after Covid. He recommends not returning to exercise until you have spent at least seven days without symptoms and starting with at least two weeks of minimal effort. “This is not a time frame to pursue a personal record,” says Dr. Salman. “You are recovering from an illness that we don’t fully understand.” Take into account your previous activity level: If you were used to walking to exercise, don’t start training for a marathon.

One approach is a four-part phased plan based on a “perceived effort rate” or staggered RPE, says Dr. Salman. This is a subjective assessment of how hard someone feels they are working, from a minimum of 6 (no effort) to a maximum of 20 (maximum fatigue). Each phase can last at least seven days and can be adjusted to accommodate different skill levels. You can stay in a phase for as long as necessary.
