How to play Fuse in Apex Legends: Skills, tips, more

Fuse joins Apex Legends in Season 8 to join Respawn’s growing roster. To help you master this explosive cage fighter, we’ve put together some tips and tricks that will make your enemies run.

Apex Legends’ big Season 8 update brought with it a new weapon, map changes, legendary magazines and the usual bug fixes and gameplay adjustments. Fuse is a mercenary fighter who loves to bombard his enemies with deadly explosives, leaving a wave of destruction in his wake.

Fuse is armed with a passive stackable grenade, Tactical deadly cluster bomb and a flaming ultimate that wraps around enemies. While these skills may seem simple, there are a number of tricks you can use to increase your lethality with Fuse.

How to use Fuse skills

Passive: Grenadier

Fuse Grenadier
Entertainment Respawn

Grenadier has a real explosive blow.

The passive Grenadier gives Fuse an extra grenade for an inventory slot. This means that the Fuse can contain 2x Grenades Thermite, 2x Frag Grenades, 2x Arc Stars per inventory slot. Not only does this give Fuse plenty of ammunition for his launcher, but it also offers many opportunities for players to counter any camp squad.

All grenades fired from the Fuse grenade launcher will travel farther, faster and more accurately than their launched counterpart. As a result, you will always want to loot any grenade you find and use Fuse’s passive to force fights in built-up areas.

For more Apex Legends Season 8 tips and tricks, check out our guides below:
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Tactical skill: Knuckle Cluster

Fuse joint assembly
Entertainment Respawn

Knuckle Cluster damages several enemies.

The mercenary who became a cage fighter has a thing for bloody fights, but instead of using his fists, Fuse brings an explosive twist to his fights. When activated, the Fuse’s Knuckle Cluster launcher will release a cluster bomb that continuously expels explosive air blasts on impact.

Knuckle Cluster can be attached to enemies and deal AoE splash damage to all those who are unfortunate enough to be caught within the blast area. Like Fuse’s liabilities, Knuckle Cluster is great for destroying traps and ambushing camp squads.

Final: The Motherlode

Fuse Motherlode
Entertainment Respawn

Despite its size, Motherlode has a decent reach potential.

The ultimate Fuse launches a bombardment that surrounds a target area in a wall of flame, causing damage over time and slowing the players hit by it. Despite the weapon’s gigantic size, the Motherlode can be fired from up to 200 meters away, giving Fuse plenty of opportunities to ambush his enemies.

Once players are caught with the final blast radius, simply bombard them with a combination of Grenadier, Knuckle Cluster and conventional shots. If timed correctly, Motherlode can destroy even the most tanked team.

Fuse tips and tricks

1. Punish defensive campers

Fuse Grenadier
Entertainment Respawn

Taking down defensive squads is easier than ever.

Like most FPS snipers, positioning is an integral part of your survival. This feeling is especially true when playing as Fuse. Although your kit can be adapted for aggressive play, you must choose your fights carefully. As a result, constantly try to look for infighting, where you can use both passive Fuse’s Grenadier and Knuckle Cluster.

After all, hitting moving targets from a distance with your skills can be frustrating. Instead, it is usually best to find squads that are camped in buildings or clustered. Fuse’s Grenadier passive can also be used to hit any squad that would otherwise be difficult to hit. For example, Rampart’s Amped cover can be bypassed instantly with a surefire Grenadier attack.

In the meantime, if you suspect enemy players are camping in a nearby building, simply throw a grenade at a nearby wall and watch as it bounces off the wall. If you see any number of damage, there is likely to be a squad waiting to ambush you. If you are constantly thinking about how you can use the environment to your advantage, more deadly explosives will land.

2. Combine your team’s ultimatums

Fuse ult
Entertainment Respawn

Fuse’s Motherlode is best combined with other AoE ultimates.

This point may seem incredibly simple, but most teams generally fail to do this, especially when playing with randoms. However, a final combo at the right time can eliminate even the deadliest squads. Consider pairing Fuse’s ultimate with the slow additional AoE damage of Caustic’s Nox Gas Grenade, while Gibraltar’s Defensive Bombardment rains explosive terror from above.

Although the ultimate in Fuse can be used alone, its effectiveness is greatly enhanced when in synergy with other AoE skills. It is important to note that Wattson’s Interception Pillar completely neutralizes Fuse’s ult, so try to bait it or just wait a while before using it.

3. Constantly refill grenades

Fusible grenades
Entertainment Respawn

You will need to pack a lot of grenades.

It can be easy to forget to keep track of the number of explosives you have in your inventory, especially when you’re not used to vacuuming all the grenades you find. However, you need to make it a habit if you want to increase your death potential. Get in the habit of restocking your explosives after each death and keep some reserved for the end-of-game circles.

After all, Fuse’s Grenadier ability can give you an edge in scenarios where you need to attack an enemy-controlled building. The Grenadier can also be used to prevent entry into certain areas, while serving as a decent distraction if your squadron needs to reposition itself.

4. Best legends to join Fuse

Fusion skills
Entertainment Respawn

Fuse certainly brings heat to many shootings.

Fuse works well with many Apex Legends characters thanks to the simplistic nature of their kit. The explosive enthusiast’s ultimate works particularly well when combined with Gibraltar and Caustic, but there are also a few other Legends that Fuse has a good synergy with.

For example, Loba’s Black Market allows Fuse to instantly replenish his grenades, while Horizon’s last one gathers enemies, making Motherlode even more devastating. Try to experiment and see what deadly combinations you can invent.

If you follow these tips and tricks from Fuse, you can guarantee more explosive deaths in no time. Make sure to follow @TitanfallBlog for all the latest Apex Legends news and updates.
