How to make and share your Instagram Top 9 posts of 2020

In this digital age, the end of the year remains a privileged moment for reflection – only now can we get virtual assistance to help us remember which were the best parts of the last 12 months.

Instagram Top 9 is perhaps the most well-known year-end tradition, in which people use technology to see which of their Instagram posts have had the most likes over the past year and then share that data in a grid form.

While the practice of posting screenshots of reports on someone’s Insta profile is a practice dated back to the “old days”, as Mashable says, the last few days of recent years have still seen many of them posted in Instagram stories.

Want to know how to make your own Top 9? Here’s how to make this happen before the new year begins.

Choose between the best nine and the best nine

Both free sites serve only to determine and format your most popular posts. Top Nine is available as a website and an application, the latter does not require an email address. Best Nine – which can only be used for public accounts – is just a website and works much more slowly. (“Please note that it now takes about 10 minutes to complete your request due to high demand,” warns the website.)

Type your handle and wait

Just type it in and send it when requested on any of the sites.

Save and share

Top Nine offers a “Save and Share” button to easily post the grid-based report to your Instagram story. For those who prefer to upload manually, just save or capture the image on your phone’s camera roll, open Instagram and upload the image in a story.

Voila! Although 2020 was probably not the most photogenic year in the memory of many, we survived and yet it is worth remembering the highlights (and perhaps leaving the low points behind).
