How much Cardi B spends on COVID-19 tests per week

“This is really a new business.”

You know Cardi B.

Prince Williams / GC images

Earlier this week, Cardi went to To Twitter to share details about how often she and her team members take the COVID-19 test each week.

I take Covid’s test 4 times a week. My magnetic strength and management also need to be tested. Each time we take the test it costs about 250 $. This is really a new business 🤦🏽‍♀️

Twitter: @iamcardib

She did not specify whether it costs $ 250 per person on her team, so if you assume that Cardi and her team pay that amount per round of testing, it means that she is paying $ 1,000 a week for COVID-19 tests.

Prince Williams / WireImage

That … looks like a lot of money for several COVID-19 tests every week!

Prince Williams / WireImage

When a Twitter user made this observation, Cardi explained that the price of COVID-19 tests increases dramatically when it comes to private testing.

It’s free when you go to the doctor and shit, but when it comes to work and has to be tested at home, it’s not.

@iamcardib / Twitter / Via Twitter: @iamcardib

Cardi went on to explain that paying for tests is a necessity due to potential legal needs – and she also said that she believes the government should “pay for the health professionals we pay out of our own pockets”.

It is necessary because if you are in my space and get Covid, I can be sued. If I make a commercial and get Covid, the company can be sued. It is all about not being a responsibility and it is a requirement. The government should pay for health professionals we pay our own pockets

@iamcardib / Twitter / Via Twitter: @iamcardib

After another Twitter user suggested that Cardi’s ability to pay for tests was a “luxury”, she clarified that she was referring to “How Covid is becoming a business and whether that was part of the plan. How are you getting on?” mad at me because it is a requirement to take the test? “

Well, this tweet is not to complain about, it is about CAPITALISM! How Covid is becoming a business and whether that was part of the plan🧐. How are you getting mad at me because it is a requirement to get tested? Just to film a commercial, even the caretakers should take the test twice

@iamcardib / Twitter / Via Twitter: @iamcardib

Cardi also gave some tips on who needs to be tested in the entertainment industry and why.

Yes, it’s definitely part of the union. Many production teams are part if the union is a requirement for testing.

Twitter: @iamcardib

COVID-19 is still spreading across the United States. There are safety precautions you can take in your daily life to avoid receiving or giving COVID-19: wear a mask, practice social detachment and get tested when necessary. Visit the CDC website for information on how to do a COVID-19 test in your state.

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