How long have you had your current smartphone?

In the past few years, we have kept our smartphones more and more. The old two-year update cycle promoted so often by operators (the leading smartphone retailers here in the U.S.) is being abandoned, as most of us cling to our old devices and current events are only expanding that. As the smartphone season for 2021 begins to heat up, we are curious to know: how long have you had your current smartphone?

Analysts say most people are now upgrading about once every 2.5-3 years, extending the duration of their smartphones between purchases. This is understandable, given that we have broken the $ 1,000 barrier for many models, and some Android smartphone manufacturers are finally starting to take long-term updates seriously – with Samsung apparently leading the charge.

The question recently came up among our readers, and the last time we asked was about three years ago. Presumably, most respondents have upgraded since then. Given the current events, I am curious to see if the outlook has changed among our readers, who seemed prone to more frequent updates than the average.

This time, we are going to change the poll options just a little bit even for six-month periods in the same period, and if you have multiple devices for work or play, answer for what you consider your “primary” phone.

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