How Jimmy Woo’s manhunt prepared the return for a shocking avenger

The last episode of WandaVision explored the main ramifications that Avengers: Endgame had in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it may have triggered the imminent debut of some surprising members of the Most Powerful Heroes on Earth. Based on the introduction of Ant-Man and the Wasp star Randall Park in his role in Jimmy Woo’s FBI, we could be seeing some familiar faces making a shocking appearance on the Disney + series. But which member of the Avengers makes the most sense to appear at Marvel Studios? WandaVision, and why does it make sense for them to appear?

In the last episode of WandaVision, FBI agent Jimmy Woo calls for SWORD help, in the form of Monica Rambeau, to help make sense of the strange anomaly centered around the city of Westview. Although no one in the vicinity seems to remember the city or its residents, Woo was after an informant who apparently disappeared outside the city.

What if this informant was Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye or Paul Rudd’s Ant-Man? These are the two members of the Avengers anti-registration crew from Captain America Civil War, both received house arrest to return to their families as punishment for their crimes.

At the time of Avengers: Endgame, we realize that these sentences were probably commuted due to the insane circumstances surrounding “The Blip”, in which Thanos took half the population out of existence. And now that everyone is back, the FBI is unlikely to have stopped watching these two guards, even though they have served their sentences. Especially in the case of Scott Lang, who was no longer under house arrest at the end of Ant-Man and the Wasp but it was still of interest to Woo’s investigations.

Perhaps one of them flew in the cage and in the context of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Hawkeye makes more sense. Clint Barton built a strong brotherly relationship with Wanda Maximoff after his brother’s death in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Inside Civil war is on Endgame, the two were shown to share a strong bond due to their history.

Could Renner make a surprise appearance as a brainwashing resident of Westview? Or will we have the final shock with Rudd appearing as Scott Lang in one of the final episodes? Anyway, don’t be surprised when a member of the Avengers appears in one of the remaining episodes of WandaVision, airing on Fridays at Disney +.
