Houthis claim to have taken majority control of an important city in Yemen

Despite this, the central district of the city of Marib still remains under the control of the Saudi government.

“Most of Marib is now in the hands of the [Houthis], there are 14 neighborhoods that make up Marib, only two are controlled by the [internationally recognized government] including the city center, two others are battlegrounds and the rest of the districts are under the control of Houthi, “said Al-Ezzi.

The battle for Marib, the last major northern stronghold for the internationally recognized government, is crucial for the warring sides of the Yemen conflict.

Government troops with Saudi support repel Houthi rebels advancing on oil-rich Marib in February.

A key strategic location, home to one of the largest oil infrastructure in Yemen, Marib has seen intensified fighting and a renewed military offensive earlier this year.

Air strikes by the Saudi Arabian-led coalition continued to bomb Houthi positions, according to Houthi media, pushing Iran-backed forces back; however, the Houthis said they are preparing to control all of the city’s neighboring neighborhoods.

Blinken removes Yemeni Houthis from the list of foreign terrorist organizations starting next week

“Despite repeated calls by the international community for the Houthis to stop their attacks on Marib, the Houthis continued to increase – just this week, militias launched more than 15 ballistic missiles at the city of Marib,” said the internationally recognized government. Minister Ahmed Bin Mubarak told CNN.

Humanitarian aid groups and diplomats have issued severe warnings about a humanitarian crisis if battles continue.

“Ma’rib province is already home to around one million internally displaced persons – the largest population of internally displaced persons in Yemen according to local authorities – and some live in approximately 125 internally displaced persons sites,” said the International Organization for United Nations Migration (IOM) Previous Week.
