Houston policeman accused of breaking into the Capitol may face federal charges, says Acevedo

HOUSTON – Houston police chief Art Acevedo said during statements Wednesday that a Houston police officer on his time attended Trump’s rally in Washington and then “penetrated” the US Capitol building last week.

An investigation is underway and Acevedo said he is “highly confident” that he will face federal charges. He is now on administrative leave, said Acevedo.

“There is no excuse for criminal activity, especially that of a police officer,” said Acevedo. “I can’t tell you how angry I am at the thought of a policeman and other officers thinking they are going to invade the Capitol or members of the army or the Secret Service. Therefore, our commitment here in the Houston area is always to the rule of law. And it saddens me to report that we have that officer. And I want to announce it here because it’s the facts. And I’m trying to relax on a Sunday night, I received my email and a member of this community sent me a photo showing the policeman doing anything, with a Trump flag, face covered and the first thing I did, I went to that person’s Facebook confirmed that it was one of our executives who was there. Keep in mind that everyone has the right of the First Amendment to get involved in the First Amendment activity, but first I wanted to make sure they didn’t go further and do something illegal and I can say that there’s a high likelihood that this individual will be accused federal accusations and with good reason ”.

Sources tell KPRC that the official is Tam Dinh Pham. A KPRC 2 source said he was released from service this morning.

Tam Dinh Pham
Tam Dinh Pham (Copyright 2021 by KPRC Click2Houston – All rights reserved.)

Acevedo said Pham has 18 years of service in the department and no previous disciplinary problems. The chief said he traveled alone to Washington.

Police told Channel 2 Investigates that they are also investigating several other individuals in the southern Texas region because of their alleged involvement in the attack on the United States Capitol. The source indicated that none of the investigated are members of the police.

Possible criminal charges against individuals allegedly involved are expected to leave Washington DC as it is the center of a massive investigation. However, local federal agencies are providing support in the investigation process.

The HPD union told KPRC that Pham’s resignation is expected on Thursday.

ARCHIVE - In the archive photo on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, supporters of President Donald Trump gather in front of the United States Capitol in Washington.  (AP Photo / Shafkat Anowar)
ARCHIVE – In the archive photo on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, supporters of President Donald Trump gather in front of the United States Capitol in Washington. (AP Photo / Shafkat Anowar) (Copyright 2021, The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

Acevedo said he learned that the policeman may have been involved on Sunday and reported the information to the FBI and a joint investigation was launched.

The chief said he gave the officer 48 hours’ notice to meet with him.

“Let’s see if he shows up,” said Acevedo. “There is no excuse (for that), especially for a police officer.”

KPRC 2 is working to get more information about this officer and will report what we know as soon as we can confirm it.

Acevedo made the comments while answering questions about public security ahead of planned or unplanned city assemblies leading up to the presidential inauguration next week.

Acevedo said there are no known threats to Houston or the county, but he described the region as a “hotbed” of activities for hate groups and right-wing nationalists.

The chief said that starting Friday at 6 am, officers will assume a modified “all hands on deck” posture in the area and officers will not be able to take any more days off until January 20. This posture will be reassessed after taking office.

Airports were noteworthy, in particular. Acevedo said the area’s airports will not become protest zones and will be kept in a safe environment.

“If you start acting like an idiot, you will be asked to leave,” he said.

The department is monitoring social media and asking the public to report what it sees to local officials and the FBI.

“Don’t be dismissive,” said Acevedo. “Report it.”

This is a developing story.

Copyright 2021 by KPRC Click2Houston – All rights reserved.
