House votes to impose fines against lawmakers who fail to comply with metal detectors

The House passed new rules on Tuesday that will impose heavy fines against lawmakers who refuse to comply with the security screening now required to enter the chamber after the January 6 uprising.

Fines of $ 5,000 for the first offense and $ 10,000 for the second are already in effect.

Metal detectors outside the Chamber’s chamber were installed days after the January 6 attack on the Capitol by a violent crowd of former President TrumpDonald TrumpGraham rejects Merrick Garland’s request for confirmation at Trump’s attorney’s hearing on February 8 to make the First Amendment case at the impeachment trial Biden faces a crossroads in the virus relief bill MOREThe supporters who tried to prevent Congress from certifying President Biden’s electoral victory.

But several House Republicans, defiantly, went through Capitol Police officers and the weapons sergeant’s team to the House chamber without going through metal detectors.

Speaker Nancy PelosiNancy PelosiBiden, Republican Party senators agree to more conversations at COVID-19 after “excellent” first meeting McConnell says Taylor Greene’s adoption of conspiracy theories is “cancer” for the Republican Party, country On The Money: Schumer promises that the Senate will accept the “bold” coronavirus bill, rejecting the GOP offer | Republican senators, Biden send positive vibes after a long meeting with WH MORE (D-Calif.) He later announced that fines would be levied from lawmakers – to be deducted from their wages – to ensure compliance.

“It is beyond understanding why any member would refuse to adhere to these simple and common-sense steps to keep this body safe. It is sad that we have been forced to come up with a rule change by imposing fines on those who refuse to comply with these protections, but Casa do Povo must and will be safe so that we can honor our responsibility to do the work of the People, “Pelosi said in a statement on Tuesday.

The fines were inserted in a measure adopted in accordance with the lines of the party that establishes parameters for debate in the plenary for a budget resolution, which should pave the way for Democrats to pass a coronavirus aid package without the need for the support of Republicans.

According to the new rules, any notification by the sergeant of fine weapons against a legislator will be made public by the Chamber’s Ethics Committee.

Members will have the right to appeal any fines within 30 calendar days or five legislative days, whichever occurs later. The Chamber’s Ethics Committee will then have the same deadline to consider the appeal.

Lawmakers will not be able to use campaign funds or funds from Congressional office budgets to pay fines.

The metal detectors were installed after several Republican lawmakers, particularly the Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) And Madison Cawthorn (RN.C.) both invoked heated rhetoric before January 6, promoting Trump’s false allegations of electoral fraud and discussed it openly carrying weapons on Capitol Hill.

And last week, CNN found that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) Seemed to endorse the execution of prominent Democratic politicians, including Pelosi.

“We have people in this chamber who have posted disturbing rhetoric against members of this body. These words and actions raise serious security concerns,” said House Rules Committee chairman Jim McGovern (D-Mass.).

Democrats’ fears of Republican lawmakers carrying weapons were confirmed last month, when Rep. Andy HarrisAndrew (Andy) Peter HarrisDemocrats seek to make weapons illegal on Capitol Hill – for everyone. Mr Bush says he is changing Greene’s position for security. Maryland lawmakers ask Biden to honor the Capital Gazette with the Presidential Medal of Freedom MORE (R-Md.) He almost entered the House chamber with a hidden weapon that was only captured by a metal detector.

Harris’ office said at the time that he and his family recently faced security threats and indicated that the Maryland Republican carries a weapon for self-defense.

But the Harris incident further exacerbated tensions and even led some Democrats to openly express concern about the potential for violence in the plenary.

Members of Congress have long been partially exempt from the rules in force that prohibit people from carrying weapons anywhere in the Capitol complex. Lawmakers can store weapons in their offices or transport them – safely unloaded and packaged – to another place on Capitol grounds.

But they are prohibited from carrying weapons to the House and Senate chambers or adjacent areas.

Lawmakers are also privileged to bypass security, in addition to metal detectors now outside the Chamber’s chamber. All employees and visitors must pass through metal detectors to enter the Capitol complex.

Two House Democrats – California representatives. Jared HuffmanJared William HuffmanDemocrats seek to make weapons illegal on Capitol Hill – for all House Democrats seek to block the west coast, Arctic offshore drilling Tensions increase after firearm incident near the floor of the Chamber MORE and Jackie SpeierKaren (Jackie) Lorraine Jacqueline SpeierOvernight Defense: Biden warns of sanctions after coup in Myanmar | Biden asks Supreme Court to cancel arguments over border wall | Dem asks soldiers for social media screening Speier calls for service members to screen social media accounts. Democrats seek to make weapons illegal on Capitol Hill – for everyone MORE – reintroduced legislation last week that would end the legislator’s arms exemption.

The new fines for non-compliance with metal detectors are not the only punitive measure that House Democrats have enacted in recent weeks to enforce rules designed to ensure security.

Last month, the Chamber issued fines against any lawmaker who has not followed the rules in force since July, requiring masks in the chamber during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lawmakers who do not wear masks are subject to a fine of $ 500 for the first offense and $ 2,500 for the second.

Democrats began imposing fines after several House Republicans did not wear masks while in the safe space allocated to lawmakers during the January 6 attack. Subsequently, at least three House Democrats tested positive for COVID-19 after taking shelter there.

Fines to enforce House rules are not without precedent. In 2017, House Republicans issued fines to punish lawmakers who broke rules that prohibit photography on the floor in the wake of the Democratic demonstration to push for gun control legislation.
