House Strictly Passes Huge COVID Response Project, Including $ 15 Minimum Wage

The House narrowly passed the Democrats’ $ 1.9 trillion coronavirus bill on Saturday morning, in a tight vote of 219-212 that fell mainly on party lines.

The project contains $ 1,400 direct payments for most Americans, $ 170 billion for colleges and K-12 schools to cover reopening costs and $ 70 billion for coronavirus testing and vaccination programs. In addition, the aid package allocates $ 350 billion in funding to state, local and tribal governments.

President Biden pushed for approval of the bill, but Republicans objected to some of the legislation’s provisions, arguing that they were clearly alien.

“This is not a relief bill. She takes care of the Democrats’ political allies while failing to serve American families, ”said House minority leader Kevin McCarthy (R, California). The Washington Post on Friday. “We already know what the best stimulus plan is: to reopen our economy completely. To do this, we need our economy to go back to work, school and health ”.

Almost two hours before the vote, McCarthy said that Congress would not vote on the bill until 2 I am on Saturday “because Democrats are so ashamed of all the non-COVID waste in this bill that they are cracking down in the dead of night.”

All House Republicans voted against the bill, as did just two Democrats: Maine’s Jared Golden and Oregon’s Kurt Schrader. Both also opposed the Democrats’ $ 3 trillion bill last May, which did not become law.

“In difficult times, the country needs its elected leaders to work together to address the most urgent needs in their communities,” said Golden, explaining his decision to vote against the project, according to the Associated Press. “This bill meets urgent needs and then buries them under a mountain of unnecessary or premature spending.”

House Democrats included a clause to raise the minimum wage required by the federal government to $ 15 an hour, although it lessened the likelihood that the clause would pass the Senate.

With the Senate tied at 50-50, Democrats are trying to pass the coronavirus relief bill through budget reconciliation procedures, which allow for a simple majority vote instead of an obstruction-proof vote of 60. However, the Senate congressman decided on Thursday night that a minimum wage increase could not be approved as part of the budget reconciliation.

“It is inevitable for all of us that the minimum wage of $ 15 will be reached,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in the House plenary on Friday, “even if it is inconceivable to some, it is inevitable for us – and we will work diligently to bridge the gap between the inevitable and the inconceivable. “

Lawmakers worked urgently to ensure that the passed legislation reaches Biden’s table by March 14, when pandemic unemployment benefits programs are about to expire.

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