House Republicans break Trump over stimulus checks

“Believe it or not, Democrats agree with the president,” House majority leader Steny Hoyer told reporters after Rep. Rob Wittman (R-Va.) Blocked the $ 2,000 checks on the floor.

Trump’s rejection Tuesday night the stimulus package – which fell like thunder on an empty Capitol – pitted the fickle president against his own party in the last days of his presidency.

And it took Washington on the brink of yet another government shutdown, while delaying the much-needed money for food programs, unemployment, hospitals and vaccine distribution.

Republicans privately say they don’t know whether Trump will act before Monday, when federal funding runs out. Trump has already left Washington for his Florida vacation home.

The House plans to return on Monday, where lawmakers will vote in plenary on whether to replace the $ 2,000 checks on the bill, as Trump demanded. House Democrats discussed voting on another provisional spending bill to avoid closure, but it is unclear whether the Senate would return to Washington to take over or whether Trump would sign it. House Democrats also plan to vote to overturn Trump’s veto of the annual defense spending bill.

Speaking after his failed plenary efforts, Hoyer and other Democrats made an urgent appeal to Trump to sign the bill and avoid plunging the nation into further chaos.

“This is Christmas Eve,” said Hoyer. “Certainly, the President of the United States – whether he is in Mar-A-Lago or elsewhere – must empathize with the pain, suffering, apprehension and deep anguish that the American people are feeling.”

“The entire Covid-19 bailout package – so desperately needed by our people and our business – remains on the president’s desk and he needs to sign it today,” said Hoyer.

Beside him, an emotional Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.), Criticized the president for blocking the package, arguing that Trump “doesn’t give a damn about people”.

“He sowed more fear. He threw kerosene into the fire,” said Dingell.
