Hong Kong arrests US citizen, dozens more under security law

The election of President-elect Joe Biden as US Secretary of State denounced the arrest in Hong Kong of dozens of opposition figures under a controversial national security law, an unprecedented crackdown that included an American lawyer.

Police said they arrested 53 people in Wednesday’s operation and that about 1,000 police officers were dispatched to carry out the arrests. The prisoners included several prominent former legislators and allegations centered on an informal primary that drew more than 600,000 voters in July to choose candidates for a September legislative election, which was later postponed by the government.

There were 45 men and eight women in prison, Li Kwai-wah, senior superintendent of the National Security Division of the Hong Kong police force, told a news conference. He said the police visited the offices of four local media outlets asking for information about the primaries.

“The radical arrests of pro-democracy protesters are an attack on those who courageously defend universal rights,” tweeted Antony Blinken, Biden’s candidate for secretary of state. “The Biden-Harris government will be on the side of the people of Hong Kong and against Beijing’s crackdown on democracy.”

Police arrested attorney John Clancey, who served as treasurer for the main organizers, according to Jonathan Man, a partner at Ho Tse Wai & Partners in Hong Kong, who has handled hundreds of protest cases and where Clancey is a lawyer. Man said Clancey is an American citizen, which could be a new source of tension between Beijing and Washington.

Dozens of Hong Kong detentions under security law are the biggest sweep in history

Photographer: Chan Long Hei / Bloomberg

Clancey is also chairman of the Asia Human Rights Commission and Asia Legal Resource Center and a founding member of the Executive Committee of the Defense Group of Human Rights Lawyers in China, according to Ho Tse Wai’s bio page.

What new laws has China passed for Hong Kong ?: QuickTake

The mass arrests of largely moderate pro-democracy activists accelerate ongoing political repression in the Asian financial center, which has led to condemnation of foreign governments, US sanctions and the suspension of several extradition treaties with Hong Kong. The change comes as the current Trump administration continues to target Beijing because of its assertive policies in the city and as Biden prepares to take office this month, with China representing one of his government’s main foreign policy challenges.

“This is a total scan of all opposition leaders,” said Victoria Hui, associate professor at the University of Notre Dame with a specialization in Hong Kong politics. “If running for office and trying to win elections means subversion, it is clear that NSL aims at the total subjugation of the Hong Kong people. There should be no expectation of elections in any sense that we know if and when elections are held in the future. “

Authorities respond

Security Secretary John Lee said in an afternoon interview that activists were arrested for planning to create “mutual destruction” in an attempt to paralyze the government and that arrests for alleged subversion were necessary. Opposition figures wanted to plunge the city into an “abyss,” said Lee.

Former lawmakers Alvin Yeung, James To, Andrew Wan and Lam Cheuk-ting, as well as prominent academic and activist Benny Tai, were arrested by the police’s national security arm on allegations of subversion, according to posts on Facebook and media reports. Former legislator Claudia Mo, one of the city’s biggest critics of China’s policies in Hong Kong, was also arrested.

Dozens of Hong Kong detentions under security law are the biggest sweep in history

Benny Tai, in the center, arrives at the Ma On Shan police station after being arrested in Hong Kong on 6 January.

Photographer: Chan Long Hei / Bloomberg

The national security law was imposed by Beijing on the former British colony in June, prompting US-led international condemnation that Beijing was reneging on promises to guarantee the city’s unique freedoms after its return to Chinese rule.

Although Chinese authorities have justified the legislation – which prohibits subversion, terrorism, secession and collusion with foreign forces – as a necessary tool to repress local unrest and restore the city’s stability after historic protests in 2019, the law has so far been mainly used against non-violent political opponents and dissidents.

Hong Kong courts are the ultimate control over Beijing’s growth power

Pro-government legislator Holden Chow tweeted that prisoners on Wednesday violated security law because they had a “clear objective to paralyze” the local government and were threatening to “remove Chinese sovereignty over Hong Kong”. Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Erick Tsang, said before the primaries last July that this could violate national security legislation.

At the time, Tai considered these criticisms of the primaries “absurd”.

Primary impairment
