Home Depot fined $ 20 million for lead paint violations

(CNN) – The Justice Department reports that Home Depot agreed to pay a $ 20 million fine because its contractors did not properly handle lead paint in customers’ homes.

The fine is the biggest penalty in the history of the United States under the Toxic Substances Control Act.

The agreement is part of an agreement signed by Home Depot with the Environmental Protection Agency and the DOJ.

Home remodeling companies subcontracted to Home Depot are accused of avoiding shortcuts during renovations.

According to the EPA, Home Depot contractors were cutting corners by removing lead paint that spread dust and splinters of paint.

Lead paint was banned in 1978 because it was linked to serious health problems, including developmental problems in young children.

It is unclear how the $ 20 million fine will be used, but there is no mention of what part of it will go to the victims.

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