Hilary Duff dyes her hair blue 8 months during pregnancy and is immediately embarrassed

People embarrassed Hilary Duff for dyeing her hair during pregnancy and they’re all wrong

Hilary Duff has always been playful when it comes to her hair and, at eight months pregnant, she is presenting a new blue hairstyle. Of course, people had to weigh in and question the expectant mom about dyeing their hair during pregnancy.

Duff and her husband Matthew Koma announced the news of the pregnancy in October last year, showing Duff’s growing lump. Duff’s son Luca and his daughter Banks are going to be older brothers soon, it seems. The actress, who recently finished filming the last season of Younger in New York, he dyed his hair cotton candy blue as soon as he returned home to Los Angeles.

“We will… You guessed it,” she wrote on Instagram. “The minute I got home from New York, I needed a change.”

Duff continued, thanking his friends, Nikki Lee and Riawna Capri of the Nine Zero One Salon, who gave him the new look, saying that “they love me very much. 1- for saying yes to another crazy change at the end of my pregnancy (at least I didn’t cut my bangs!) And 2- it took all day! “

Duff made sure to let his fans know that this change was by no means a gender reveal.

“I swear it doesn’t mean that I’m going to have a boy. . . my mom thought i was trying to say something to everyone! she said.

People agreed with her look, saying that she shouldn’t dye her hair during pregnancy.

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This simply is not true. According to American Pregnancy, “most research indicates that the chemicals found in semipermanent and permanent dyes are not highly toxic and are safe for use during pregnancy.” Furthermore, no one needs your unsolicited opinions about your choices about your body.

But back to Duff’s pregnancy.

She shared in November that she had to be quarantined after being exposed to someone who tested positive for coronavirus. Duff shared in his IG Stories that she was in “Quarantine day 2, fml”, which means that she was trapped in her basement while everyone else in her family continued their days without her.

Fortunately, Duff and the family are all together now awaiting the arrival of the newest member of the family.

“We still don’t know who is occupying my apartment – but soon you will receive the eviction notice,” wrote Duff.

In a video shared on the merry-go-round, she said the real reason behind the hair transformation was simple: “I don’t know if I’m going to have a boy or a girl, but, you know, I have to have some fun, so she blues for a time! “

Duff turned blue in April 2020, but this time, it looks like it was a much more detailed job, requiring four different formulas and an entire day.

“Hilary knows a fun hair color,” said Lee on Instagram. “She dyed her own teal hair during the block. This blues mix just hits it differently! “She continued:” She is goals in many ways, but being pregnant and rocking that color with such confidence is everything! “

Duff looks good in any color.

See the original article at ScaryMommy.com
