Here’s who’s most likely to be reinfected with COVID, says new study

One of the biggest questions that researchers have hoped to answer since the start of the pandemic is whether or not you can be reinfected with COVID-19 and, if so, are you still at risk for serious infection? Although it was clear early on that reinfection was indeed possible, there were few documented cases across the country. Now, a new Danish study has found who is most likely to be infected again with the deadly virus. Keep reading to find out who is most prone to reinfection – and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss out on these Clear signs that you have had the coronavirus.

Quarantined infected patient lying in bed at the hospital, coronavirus concept.

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Quarantined infected patient lying in bed at the hospital, coronavirus concept.

People aged 65 and over are at increased risk of reinfection

According to the large Danish study published in the journal Lancet, most who recover from COVID-19 have immunity for at least six months. However, those who are older are much more prone to reinfection.

“In summary, we found that protection against recurrent SARS-CoV-2 infection is robust and detectable in most individuals, protecting 80% or more of the naturally infected population under 65 against reinfections within the observation period” . the researchers explained. “However, we found that individuals aged 65 and over had less than 50% protection against recurrent SARS-CoV-2 infection.”

“You certainly cannot count on a past infection to protect you from getting sick again, and possibly very sick if you are in the elderly segment,” said Steen Ethelberg, an epidemiologist at the Statens Serum Institut, Denmark’s public health agency, when New York Times.

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The need for “protective measures” is still great

As the older age group is more prone to a serious clinical course of the disease, the researchers believe that their findings highlight the “need to implement protective measures for the older population in the form of effective vaccines and greater physical distance and infection control. , even in those who have already been infected, “they wrote.” Furthermore, our data indicate that vaccination of previously infected individuals should be done because natural protection cannot be relied on. “

So follow the fundamentals of public health and help end this pandemic, no matter where you live – use a face mask that fits perfectly and has two layers, don’t travel, get away socially, avoid large crowds, don’t go into the house with people you’re not sheltering (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene, be vaccinated when available for you, and to protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of these 35 places you’re most likely to reach COVID.

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