Here’s what Biden’s executive order Obamacare means to you

As a result of its action, the Department of Health and Human Services is scheduled to reopen enrollments in the federal Affordable Care Act between February 15 and May 15.

This would give Americans who missed the most recent registration period, which ended on December 15, access to Obamacare policies – and federal assistance to pay for them. About 15 million uninsured people could benefit, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Nearly 9 million of them could qualify for free or subsidized coverage, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. Individuals who earn up to $ 51,000 and families of four who earn up to $ 104,800 are eligible for grants.

About 36 states use the federal grant,, for registration. But most, if not all, states that manage their own markets must also launch special enrollment periods, according to a White House official.

Still, it is unclear how many people will take the chance to select an Obamacare policy.

The Biden government is promising to carry out a “robust outreach effort” to make these people aware of the opportunity and help them apply, the official said. It will include paid advertising, direct reach to consumers and partnerships with community organizations.

Here are the executive actions that Biden has signed so far
The Trump administration, by contrast, cut marketing and enrollment assistance deeply during his four-year term. President Donald Trump also refused to reopen the federal grant last spring, when the coronavirus pandemic devastated the country and the economy. Most state markets offer special registration periods.
People have always been able to apply for Affordable Care Act coverage outside of the main registration period, which lasted six weeks from November 1 under Trump’s administration. But it is usually limited to those who have lost their work coverage or have had a major life change, such as a divorce. In addition, consumers who want to take advantage of it need to provide documentation that they meet the criteria, and newly unemployed people have only 60 days after coverage loss to choose an Obamacare policy.

Those who register for the new special registration period will not face these restrictions.

More measures coming in the future

The reopening of the federal grant is far from the last action that Biden will take in the health area. But many of the other efforts will take much longer, in part because they would require the reversal or change of rules, exemptions and demonstration projects put in place by the Trump administration.

As part of Thursday’s executive measures, Biden is starting the process. He is instructing federal agencies to reexamine a series of actions taken by his predecessor. They include policies that weaken protections for people with pre-existing illnesses and that harm Obamacare grants or other health insurance markets.

He also wants agencies to review measures that make enrollment in the Medicaid and Affordable Care Act more difficult and that reduce accessibility or financial assistance, including for dependents.

And the president is asking the agencies to examine the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid exemptions and demonstration projects that the Trump administration has approved or implemented that could reduce coverage or harm programs, including job requirements.

Agencies will also consider whether additional actions are needed to strengthen and protect access to health care.

In addition, the president signed a presidential memorandum on Thursday to reverse the restrictions on access to abortion at home and abroad imposed and extended by the Trump administration, according to the Biden government.

Other actions require Congress

Biden also needs Congress to deliver on its campaign promises to increase the number of insured Americans by strengthening the Affordable Care Act.

Its two main measures – the creation of a government-managed public option and the increase in federal subsidies for Obamacare – require the approval of lawmakers and are already facing much opposition.

The president included a proposal to increase subsidies in the Affordable Care Act so that consumers do not pay more than 8.5% of their income for coverage in their $ 1.9 trillion aid package, which is already facing obstacles on Capitol Hill .
